Namespace LinqToDB.Async
- AsyncDbConnection
Implements IAsyncDbConnection wrapper over DbConnection instance with synchronous implementation of asynchronous methods. Providers with async operations support could override its methods with asynchronous implementations.
- AsyncDbTransaction
Basic IAsyncDbTransaction implementation with fallback to synchronous operations if corresponding functionality missing from DbTransaction.
- AsyncFactory
Provides factory methods to create async wrappers for DbConnection and DbTransaction instances.
- IAsyncDbConnection
Wrapper over DbConnection instance which contains all operations that could have custom implementation like:
- IRetryPolicy support
- asynchronous operations, missing from DbConnection but provided by data provider implementation.
- IAsyncDbTransaction
Wrapper over DbTransaction instance with asynchronous operations, missing from DbTransaction. Includes only operations, used by Linq To DB.
- IAsyncDisposable
Provides a mechanism for releasing unmanaged resources asynchronously.
- IAsyncEnumerable<T>
This API supports the LinqToDB infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases.
- IAsyncEnumerator<T>
Asynchronous version of the IEnumerator<T> interface, allowing elements to be retrieved asynchronously.
- IQueryProviderAsync
This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice.