Namespace LinqToDB
- AsyncExtensions
Provides helper methods for asynchronous operations.
- CompiledQuery
Provides API for compilation and caching of queries for reuse.
- DataContext
Implements abstraction over non-persistent database connection that could be released after query or transaction execution.
- DataContextTransaction
Explicit data context DataContext transaction wrapper.
- DataExtensions
Data context extension methods.
- DataOptions
Immutable context configuration object.
- DataOptionsExtensions
Set of extensions for DataOptions.
- DataOptions<T>
Typed DataOptions wrapper to support multiple option objects registration in DI containers.
- ExpressionMethodAttribute
When applied to method or property, tells linq2db to replace them in queryable LINQ expression with another expression, returned by method, specified in this attribute.
Requirements to expression method:
- expression method should be in the same class and replaced property of method; - method could be private.
When applied to property, expression: - method should return function expression with the same return type as property type; - expression method could take up to two parameters in any order - current object parameter and database connection context object.
When applied to method: - expression method should return function expression with the same return type as method return type; - method cannot have void return type; - parameters in expression method should go in the same order as in substituted method; - expression could take method instance object as first parameter; - expression could take database connection context object as last parameter; - last method parameters could be ommited from expression method, but only if you don't add database connection context parameter.
- InterceptorExtensions
Contains extensions that add one-time interceptors to connection.
- KeepConnectionAliveScope
Explicit DataContext connection reuse scope. See KeepConnectionAlive for more details.
- LinqExtensions
Contains extension methods for LINQ queries.
- LinqToDBException
Defines the base class for the namespace exceptions.
- ProviderName
Default names for providers.
- Sql.ExpressionAttribute
An Attribute that allows custom Expressions to be defined for a Method used within a Linq Expression.
- Sql.FunctionAttribute
Defines an SQL server-side Function with parameters passed in.
- Sql.PropertyAttribute
An attribute used to define a static value or a Database side property/method that takes no parameters.
- Sql.QueryExtensionAttribute
Defines custom query extension builder.
- TableExtensions
Contains extension methods for LINQ queries.
- TempTable<T>
Temporary table. Temporary table is a table, created when you create instance of this class and deleted when you dispose it. It uses regular tables even if underlying database supports temporary tables concept.
- IDataContext
Database connection abstraction interface.
- IExtensionsAdapter
Interface to override default implementation of LINQ To DB async operations.
- ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>
Provides support for queryable LoadWith/ThenLoad chaining operators.
- ITableMutable<T>
This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice.
- ITable<T>
Table-like queryable source, e.g. table, view or table-valued function.
- DataType
List of data types, supported by linq2db. Provider-level support depends on database capabilities and current implementation support level and could vary for different providers.
- Sql.IsNullableType
Provides information when function or expression could return null.
- SqlJoinType
Defines join type. Used with join LINQ helpers.
- TableOptions
Provides table mapping flags to specify temporary table kind if mapped table is temporary table and Create/Drop Table API behavior when target table exists/not exists.
- TakeHints
Hints for Take Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints).
- InsertColumnFilter<T>
Defines signature for column filter for insert operations.
- InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>
Defines signature for column filter for insert or update/replace operations.
- UpdateColumnFilter<T>
Defines signature for column filter for update operations.