dotnet linq2db - Linq To DB command-line utilities. Version: Usage: dotnet linq2db scaffold Options: === General : basic options -i, --import : path to JSON file with scaffold options type: string (optional) json: not allowed When both command line and JSON file contains same option, value from command line will override value from file for single-value options and will combine values for multi-value opti ons. JSON property type depends on option type: bool for boolean properties, integer number for numeric properties and string for other properties. If property could have multiple values, it should use array as property type. JSON file example: { "general": { "output": "c:\my\project\datamodel", "overwrite": true, "provider": "SQLServer", }, "code": { "nrt": false } } -o, --output : relative or full path to folder to put generated files type: string (optional) json: general.output If folder doesn't exists, it will be created. When not specified, current folder used. -f, --overwrite : overwrite existing files type: bool (optional) json: general.overwrite default: false default (T4 mode): false -p, --provider : database provider (database) type: string (required) json: general.provider supported values: Access : MS Access (requires OLE DB or/and ODBC provider installed) DB2 : IBM DB2 LUW or z/OS Firebird : Firebird Informix : IBM Informix SQLServer : MS SQL Server (including Azure SQL Server) MySQL : MySQL/MariaDB Oracle : Oracle Database PostgreSQL : PostgreSQL SqlCe : MS SQL Server Compact SQLite : SQLite Sybase : SAP/Sybase ASE SapHana : SAP HANA ClickHouseMySql : ClickHouse (MySql interface) ClickHouseHttp : ClickHouse (HTTP(S) interface) ClickHouseTcp : ClickHouse (TCP/binary interface) -l, --provider-location : database provider location type: string (optional) json: general.provider-location Allows user to specify path to database provider for some databases. Supported databases: - SQL Server Compact Edition : value is a full path to System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll assembly from Private folder of SQL CE installation - SAP HANA : value is a full path to Sap.Data.Hana.Core.v2.1.dll assembly from HDB client installation folder - IBM DB2 and Informix : value is a full path to IBM.Data.DB2.Core.dll assembly in DB2 provider folder -c, --connection : database connection string type: string (required) json: general.connection --additional-connection : secondary database connection string type: string (optional) json: general.additional-connection Allows user to specify additional database connection using different provider. This option supported only for Access and require that main and additional connection strings use OLE DB and ODBC (in any order). This is caused by fact that both OLE DB and ODBC Access providers return incomplete or invalid information in different places. Using database schema data from both providers allows us to build complete and proper database schema. List of known issues, solved this way: - OLE DB doesn't provide information about autoincrement (counter) columns - OLE DB returns nullable type for procedure column returned for table counter column - ODBC doesn't provide information about primary keys and foreign keys - ODBC marks all columns in tables and procedure results as nullable except counter and bit - ODBC doesn't provide length information for text-based procedure parameter type - ODBC doesn't show some procedures in schema (no logic traced) -a, --architecture : process architecture for utility type: string (optional) json: general.architecture supported values: x86 : x86 architecture x64 : x64 architecture By default utility runs AnyCPU build, which could result in error in multi-arch environment when platform-specific database provider used and provider's architecture doesn't match pr ocess architecture. For such provider you could specify process architecture explicitly. Example of platform-specific providers: - OLE DB providers - ODBC providers - thin wrappers over native provider (e.g. IBM.Data.DB2 providers) -t, --template : select base set of default options type: string (optional) json: general.template default: default default (T4 mode): default supported values: default : set of parameters, used by default (as specified in option help) t4 : set of parameters, similar to T4 defaults (compat. option) Specify this option only if you want to to use scaffolding options, similar to used by old T4 templates by default --customize : specify path to T4 template or assembly with scaffolding customization logic type: string (optional) json: general.customize Option accepts path to file with customization logic which could be: - assembly (recognized by .dll extension); - T4 template. If you choose T4, you can create initial empty template using 'dotnet linq2db template' command. It will generate initial template file with pre-generated extension points which you can modify to implement required customizations. Customization using compiled assembly has several requirements: - it should be compatible with current runtime, used by 'dotnet linq2db' tool (netcoreapp3.1 by default); - assembly should contain exactly one interceptor class with customization logic. It should be inherited from ScaffoldInterceptors and has default public constructor; - linq2db.Tools version should match tool's version to avoid possible compatibility issues/errors. === Database Schema : database schema load --objects : schema objects to load type: string list (optional) json: schema.objects default: table, view, foreign-key default (T4 mode): table, view, foreign-key, stored-procedure, scalar-function, table-function, aggregate-function supported values: table : load tables view : load views foreign-key : load foreign key constrains stored-procedure : load stored procedures scalar-function : load scalar functions table-function : load table functions aggregate-function : load aggregate/window functions examples: --objects table,stored-procedure,table-function JSON examples: { "schema": { "objects": ["table", "view", "table-function"] } } --prefer-provider-types : prefer provider-specific data types to regular .net types for columns and parameters type: bool (optional) json: schema.prefer-provider-types default: false default (T4 mode): false Database provider could have db-specific .net types to better mapping handling to database types. E.g. MySqlGeometry, NpgsqlInet or OracleTimeStampLTZ types, provided by correspondin g providers. --ignore-duplicate-fk : load only first (or order, returned by database) foreign key with same columns type: bool (optional) json: schema.ignore-duplicate-fk default: true default (T4 mode): false --safe-schema-only : load stored procedure/table function schema using only safe methods type: bool (optional) json: default: true default (T4 mode): false Don't use CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly execution mode to load stored procedure or table function schema as it is not safe if them contain non-transactional code. --database-in-name : include database name in name of db object in database schema type: bool (optional) json: schema.database-in-name default: false default (T4 mode): false --load-sproc-schema : enable loading stored procedure schema type: bool (optional) json: schema.load-sproc-schema default: false default (T4 mode): true When not set, procedures and their parameters will be loaded, but not result-set schema. --mssql-enable-return-value-parameter : (only for SQL Server) enable generation of RETURN_VALUE parameter for stored procedures type: bool (optional) json: schema.mssql-enable-return-value-parameter default: false default (T4 mode): false --include-schemas : load only specified database schemas type: string list (optional) cannot use with: --exclude-schemas json: schema.include-schemas --exclude-schemas : do not load specified database schemas type: string list (optional) cannot use with: --include-schemas json: schema.exclude-schemas --include-catalogs : load only specified database schemas type: string list (optional) cannot use with: --exclude-catalogs json: schema.include-catalogs --exclude-catalogs : do not load specified database schemas type: string list (optional) cannot use with: --include-catalogs json: schema.exclude-catalogs --default-schemas : specify which schemas should be recognized as default schemas type: string list (optional) json: schema.default-schemas Objects from schemas, marked as default, will be: - put to main data context instead of separate schema-specific class (see also schema-as-type option) - will skip generation of schema name in metadata (see also include-default-schema-name option) When this option is not set, CLI tool use database-specific logic to detect default schema. Usually it is current user/schema name associated with connection string, used for databas e scaffolding and supports only one schema. Using this option you can specify multiple schemas. --include-tables : only load tables with specified name(s) type: (string | object) list (optional) cannot use with: --exclude-tables json: schema.include-tables examples: --include-tables Users,Roles,Permissions JSON examples: { "schema": { "include-tables": [ "Users", { "name": "Roles", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // Users and dbo.Roles tables { "schema": { "include-tables": [ { "regex": "^audit_.$+", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // all tables starting from audit_ prefix Provided table names should have same casing as actual table name in database. Specifying this option in command line has several limitations and it is recommended to use JSON for it instead: - there is no way to specify schema name for table; - table name cannot have comma (,) as it is used as list separator; - only exact match possible; JSON allows you to specify more options: - table schema (schema property); - regular expression (regex property) instead of exact table name (name property). JSON list element schema: { "name" : string // table name "schema": string? // table schema (optional) } | { "regex" : string // table name matching regular expression "schema": string? // table schema (optional) } | string // also you can put table name as string directly to list --exclude-tables : skip load of tables with specified name(s) type: (string | object) list (optional) cannot use with: --include-tables json: schema.exclude-tables examples: --exclude-tables Users,Roles,Permissions JSON examples: { "schema": { "exclude-tables": [ "Users", { "name": "Roles", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // Users and dbo.Roles tables ignored { "schema": { "exclude-tables": [ { "regex": "^audit_.$+", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // all tables starting from audit_ prefix ignored Provided table names should have same casing as actual table name in database. Specifying this option in command line has several limitations and it is recommended to use JSON for it instead: - there is no way to specify schema name for table; - table name cannot have comma (,) as it is used as list separator; - only exact match possible; JSON allows you to specify more options: - table schema (schema property); - regular expression (regex property) instead of exact table name (name property). JSON list element schema: { "name" : string // table name "schema": string? // table schema (optional) } | { "regex" : string // table name matching regular expression "schema": string? // table schema (optional) } | string // also you can put table name as string directly to list --include-views : only load views with specified name(s) type: (string | object) list (optional) cannot use with: --exclude-views json: schema.include-views examples: --include-views Users,Roles,Permissions JSON examples: { "schema": { "include-views": [ "Users", { "name": "Roles", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // Users and dbo.Roles views { "schema": { "include-views": [ { "regex": "^audit_.$+", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // all views starting from audit_ prefix Provided view names should have same casing as actual view name in database. Specifying this option in command line has several limitations and it is recommended to use JSON for it i nstead: - there is no way to specify schema name for view; - view name cannot have comma (,) as it is used as list separator; - only exact match possible; JSON allows you to specify more options: - view schema (schema property); - regular expression (regex property) instead of exact view name (name property). JSON list element schema: { "name" : string // view name "schema": string? // view schema (optional) } | { "regex" : string // view name matching regular expression "schema": string? // view schema (optional) } | string // also you can put view name as string directly to list --exclude-views : skip load of views with specified name(s) type: (string | object) list (optional) cannot use with: --include-views json: schema.exclude-views examples: --exclude-views Users,Roles,Permissions JSON examples: { "schema": { "exclude-views": [ "Users", { "name": "Roles", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // Users and dbo.Roles views ignored { "schema": { "exclude-views": [ { "regex": "^audit_.$+", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // all views starting from audit_ prefix ignored Provided view names should have same casing as actual view name in database. Specifying this option in command line has several limitations and it is recommended to use JSON for it i nstead: - there is no way to specify schema name for view; - view name cannot have comma (,) as it is used as list separator; - only exact match possible; JSON allows you to specify more options: - view schema (schema property); - regular expression (regex property) instead of exact view name (name property). JSON list element schema: { "name" : string // view name "schema": string? // view schema (optional) } | { "regex" : string // view name matching regular expression "schema": string? // view schema (optional) } | string // also you can put view name as string directly to list --procedures-with-schema : only load schema for stored procedures with specified name(s) type: (string | object) list (optional) cannot use with: --procedures-without-schema json: schema.procedures-with-schema examples: --procedures-with-schema GetUsers,GetRoles,LoadPermissions JSON examples: { "schema": { "procedures-with-schema": [ "GetUsers", { "name": "LoadPermissions", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // GetUsers and dbo.LoadPermissions procedures { "schema": { "procedures-with-schema": [ { "regex": "^Load.$+", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // all procedures starting from Load prefix Provided stored procedure names should have same casing as actual procedure name in database. Specifying this option in command line has several limitations and it is recommended to use JSON for it instead: - there is no way to specify schema name for procedure; - procedure name cannot have comma (,) as it is used as list separator; - only exact match possible; JSON allows you to specify more options: - procedure schema (schema property); - regular expression (regex property) instead of exact procedure name (name property). JSON list element schema: { "name" : string // stored procedure name "schema": string? // stored procedure schema (optional) } | { "regex" : string // stored procedure name matching regular expression "schema": string? // stored procedure schema (optional) } | string // also you can put procedure name as string directly to list --procedures-without-schema : skip load of schema for stored procedures with specified name(s) type: (string | object) list (optional) cannot use with: --procedures-with-schema json: schema.procedures-without-schema examples: --procedures-without-schema FormatAllDrives,DropAllTables JSON examples: { "schema": { "procedures-without-schema": [ "DropAllTables", { "name": "FormatAllDrives", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // DropAllTables and dbo.FormatAllDrives procedures schema not loaded { "schema": { "procedures-without-schema": [ { "regex": "^Delete.$+", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // all procedures starting from Delete prefix Provided stored procedure names should have same casing as actual procedure name in database. Specifying this option in command line has several limitations and it is recommended to use JSON for it instead: - there is no way to specify schema name for procedure; - procedure name cannot have comma (,) as it is used as list separator; - only exact match possible; JSON allows you to specify more options: - procedure schema (schema property); - regular expression (regex property) instead of exact procedure name (name property). JSON list element schema: { "name" : string // stored procedure name "schema": string? // stored procedure schema (optional) } | { "regex" : string // stored procedure name matching regular expression "schema": string? // stored procedure schema (optional) } | string // also you can put procedure name as string directly to list --include-stored-procedures : only load stored procedures with specified name(s) type: (string | object) list (optional) cannot use with: --exclude-stored-procedures json: schema.include-stored-procedures examples: --include-stored-procedures GetUsers,GetRoles,LoadPermissions JSON examples: { "schema": { "include-stored-procedures": [ "ActiveUsers", { "name": "InactiveUsers", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // ActiveUsers and dbo.InactiveUsers procedures { "schema": { "include-stored-procedures": [ { "regex": "^Query.$+", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // all stored procedures starting from Query prefix Provided stored procedures names should have same casing as actual procedure name in database. Specifying this option in command line has several limitations and it is recommended to use JSON for it instead: - there is no way to specify schema name for stored procedure; - stored procedure name cannot have comma (,) as it is used as list separator; - only exact match possible; JSON allows you to specify more options: - stored procedure schema (schema property); - regular expression (regex property) instead of exact stored procedure name (name property). JSON list element schema: { "name" : string // stored procedure name "schema": string? // stored procedure schema (optional) } | { "regex" : string // stored procedure name matching regular expression "schema": string? // stored procedure schema (optional) } | string // also you can put stored procedure name as string directly to list --exclude-stored-procedures : skip load of stored procedures with specified name(s) type: (string | object) list (optional) cannot use with: --include-stored-procedures json: schema.exclude-stored-procedures examples: --exclude-stored-procedure GetUsers,GetRoles,LoadPermissions JSON examples: { "schema": { "exclude-stored-procedure": [ "TestProcedure", { "name": "CheckDb", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // TestProcedure and dbo.CheckDb procedures ignored { "schema": { "exclude-stored-procedure": [ { "regex": "^Audit.$+", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // all stored procedures starting from Audit prefix ignored Provided stored procedures names should have same casing as actual procedure name in database. Specifying this option in command line has several limitations and it is recommended to use JSON for it instead: - there is no way to specify schema name for stored procedure; - stored procedure name cannot have comma (,) as it is used as list separator; - only exact match possible; JSON allows you to specify more options: - stored procedure schema (schema property); - regular expression (regex property) instead of exact stored procedure name (name property). JSON list element schema: { "name" : string // stored procedure name "schema": string? // stored procedure schema (optional) } | { "regex" : string // stored procedure name matching regular expression "schema": string? // stored procedure schema (optional) } | string // also you can put stored procedure name as string directly to list --include-table-functions : only load table functions with specified name(s) type: (string | object) list (optional) cannot use with: --exclude-table-functions json: schema.include-table-functions examples: --include-table-functions GetUsers,GetRoles,LoadPermissions JSON examples: { "schema": { "include-table-functions": [ "ActiveUsers", { "name": "InactiveUsers", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // ActiveUsers and dbo.InactiveUsers functions { "schema": { "include-table-functions": [ { "regex": "^Query.$+", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // all table functions starting from Query prefix Provided table functions names should have same casing as actual function name in database. Specifying this option in command line has several limitations and it is recommended to us e JSON for it instead: - there is no way to specify schema name for table function; - table function name cannot have comma (,) as it is used as list separator; - only exact match possible; JSON allows you to specify more options: - table function schema (schema property); - regular expression (regex property) instead of exact table function name (name property). JSON list element schema: { "name" : string // table function name "schema": string? // table function schema (optional) } | { "regex" : string // table function name matching regular expression "schema": string? // table function schema (optional) } | string // also you can put table function name as string directly to list --exclude-table-functions : skip load of table functions with specified name(s) type: (string | object) list (optional) cannot use with: --include-table-functions json: schema.exclude-table-functions examples: --exclude-table-functions GetUsers,GetRoles,LoadPermissions JSON examples: { "schema": { "exclude-table-functions": [ "TestFunction", { "name": "CheckDb", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // TestFunction and dbo.CheckDb functions ignored { "schema": { "exclude-table-functions": [ { "regex": "^Audit.$+", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // all table functions starting from Audit prefix ignored Provided table functions names should have same casing as actual function name in database. Specifying this option in command line has several limitations and it is recommended to us e JSON for it instead: - there is no way to specify schema name for table function; - table function name cannot have comma (,) as it is used as list separator; - only exact match possible; JSON allows you to specify more options: - table function schema (schema property); - regular expression (regex property) instead of exact table function name (name property). JSON list element schema: { "name" : string // table function name "schema": string? // table function schema (optional) } | { "regex" : string // table function name matching regular expression "schema": string? // table function schema (optional) } | string // also you can put table function name as string directly to list --include-scalar-functions : only load scalar functions with specified name(s) type: (string | object) list (optional) cannot use with: --exclude-scalar-functions json: schema.include-scalar-functions examples: --include-scalar-functions GetUsers,GetRoles,LoadPermissions JSON examples: { "schema": { "include-scalar-functions": [ "ActiveUsers", { "name": "InactiveUsers", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // ActiveUsers and dbo.InactiveUsers functions { "schema": { "include-scalar-functions": [ { "regex": "^Query.$+", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // all scalar functions starting from Query prefix Provided scalar functions names should have same casing as actual function name in database. Specifying this option in command line has several limitations and it is recommended to u se JSON for it instead: - there is no way to specify schema name for scalar function; - scalar function name cannot have comma (,) as it is used as list separator; - only exact match possible; JSON allows you to specify more options: - scalar function schema (schema property); - regular expression (regex property) instead of exact scalar function name (name property). JSON list element schema: { "name" : string // scalar function name "schema": string? // scalar function schema (optional) } | { "regex" : string // scalar function name matching regular expression "schema": string? // scalar function schema (optional) } | string // also you can put scalar function name as string directly to list --exclude-scalar-functions : skip load of scalar functions with specified name(s) type: (string | object) list (optional) cannot use with: --include-scalar-functions json: schema.exclude-scalar-functions examples: --exclude-scalar-functions GetUsers,GetRoles,LoadPermissions JSON examples: { "schema": { "exclude-scalar-functions": [ "TestFunction", { "name": "CheckDb", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // TestFunction and dbo.CheckDb functions ignored { "schema": { "exclude-scalar-functions": [ { "regex": "^Audit.$+", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // all scalar functions starting from Audit prefix ignored Provided scalar functions names should have same casing as actual function name in database. Specifying this option in command line has several limitations and it is recommended to u se JSON for it instead: - there is no way to specify schema name for scalar function; - scalar function name cannot have comma (,) as it is used as list separator; - only exact match possible; JSON allows you to specify more options: - scalar function schema (schema property); - regular expression (regex property) instead of exact scalar function name (name property). JSON list element schema: { "name" : string // scalar function name "schema": string? // scalar function schema (optional) } | { "regex" : string // scalar function name matching regular expression "schema": string? // scalar function schema (optional) } | string // also you can put scalar function name as string directly to list --include-aggregate-functions : only load aggregate functions with specified name(s) type: (string | object) list (optional) cannot use with: --exclude-aggregate-functions json: schema.include-aggregate-functions examples: --include-aggregate-functions GetUsers,GetRoles,LoadPermissions JSON examples: { "schema": { "include-aggregate-functions": [ "ActiveUsers", { "name": "InactiveUsers", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // ActiveUsers and dbo.InactiveUsers functions { "schema": { "include-aggregate-functions": [ { "regex": "^Query.$+", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // all aggregate functions starting from Query prefix Provided aggregate functions names should have same casing as actual function name in database. Specifying this option in command line has several limitations and it is recommended t o use JSON for it instead: - there is no way to specify schema name for aggregate function; - aggregate function name cannot have comma (,) as it is used as list separator; - only exact match possible; JSON allows you to specify more options: - aggregate function schema (schema property); - regular expression (regex property) instead of exact aggregate function name (name property). JSON list element schema: { "name" : string // aggregate function name "schema": string? // aggregate function schema (optional) } | { "regex" : string // aggregate function name matching regular expression "schema": string? // aggregate function schema (optional) } | string // also you can put aggregateaggregate function name as string directly to list --exclude-aggregate-functions : skip load of aggregate functions with specified name(s) type: (string | object) list (optional) cannot use with: --include-aggregate-functions json: schema.exclude-aggregate-functions examples: --exclude-aggregate-functions GetUsers,GetRoles,LoadPermissions JSON examples: { "schema": { "exclude-aggregate-functions": [ "TestFunction", { "name": "CheckDb", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // TestFunction and dbo.CheckDb functions ignored { "schema": { "exclude-aggregate-functions": [ { "regex": "^Audit.$+", "schema": "dbo" } ] } } // all aggregate functions starting from Audit prefix ignored Provided aggregate functions names should have same casing as actual function name in database. Specifying this option in command line has several limitations and it is recommended t o use JSON for it instead: - there is no way to specify schema name for aggregate function; - aggregate function name cannot have comma (,) as it is used as list separator; - only exact match possible; JSON allows you to specify more options: - aggregate function schema (schema property); - regular expression (regex property) instead of exact aggregate function name (name property). JSON list element schema: { "name" : string // aggregate function name "schema": string? // aggregate function schema (optional) } | { "regex" : string // aggregate function name matching regular expression "schema": string? // aggregate function schema (optional) } | string // also you can put aggregate function name as string directly to list === Data Model : data model configuration --include-db-name : include database name into generated mappings type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.include-db-name default: false default (T4 mode): false --include-default-schema-name : include default schema(s) name into generated mappings type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.include-default-schema-name default: false default (T4 mode): true --metadata : specify type of generated metadata type: string (optional) json: dataModel.metadata default: attributes default (T4 mode): attributes supported values: none : don't emit metadata for model attributes : annotate model with mapping attributes fluent : annotate model using fluent mapping --base-entity : base class for generated entities type: string (optional) json: dataModel.base-entity examples: --base-entity My.Namespace.MyBaseEntity --base-entity My.Namespace.ParentClass+MyBaseNestedEntity JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "base-entity": "My.Namespace.MyBaseEntity" } } { "dataModel": { "base-entity": "My.Namespace.ParentClass+MyBaseNestedEntity" } } --include-datatype : include DataType enum value to column mappings type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.include-datatype default: false default (T4 mode): false --include-db-type : include database type to column mappings type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.include-db-type default: false default (T4 mode): false --include-length : include database type length/size to column mappings type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.include-length default: false default (T4 mode): false --include-precision : include database type precision to column mappings type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.include-precision default: false default (T4 mode): false --include-scale : include database type scale to column mappings type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.include-scale default: false default (T4 mode): false --include-db-info : generate comment on data context with database information type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.include-db-info default: false default (T4 mode): false Information includes database name, data source and server version (when database provider expose this information). --add-default-ctor : generate default constructor on data context type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.add-default-ctor default: true default (T4 mode): true --add-configuration-ctor : generate data context contructor with configuration name parameter type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.add-configuration-ctor default: true default (T4 mode): true Constructor example: public MyDataContext(string context) { ... } --add-options-ctor : generate data context contructor with options parameter type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.add-options-ctor default: false default (T4 mode): true Constructor example: public MyDataContext(DataOptions options) { ... } --add-typed-options-ctor : generate data context contructor with generic options parameter type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.add-typed-options-ctor default: true default (T4 mode): true Constructor example: public MyDataContext(DataOptions options) { ... } --context-name : class name for generated data context type: string (optional) json: dataModel.context-name default: MyDataContext default (T4 mode): MyDataContext When not specified, database name used. When database name not available, "MyDataContext" used --base-context : base class for generated data context type: string (optional) json: dataModel.base-context default: LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection default (T4 mode): LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection examples: --base-context LinqToDB.DataContext JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "base-context": "LinqToDB.DataContext" } } --add-associations : generate association properties on entities type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.add-associations default: true default (T4 mode): true --add-association-extensions : generate association extension methods for entities type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.add-association-extensions default: false default (T4 mode): false --association-collection : collection type to use for many-sided associations type: string (optional) json: dataModel.association-collection default: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<> default (T4 mode): System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<> examples: --association-collection [] --association-collection System.Collections.Generic.List<> JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "association-collection": "[]" } } { "dataModel": { "association-collection": "System.Collections.Generic.List<>" } } Should be open-generic type with one parameter or [] for array --reuse-entities-in-procedures : allows use of entity mapping for return type of stored procedure/table function type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.reuse-entities-in-procedures default: true default (T4 mode): true When procedure/function schema has same columns (by name, type and nullability) as known table/view entity, this option allows to use entity mapping for procedure/function return typ e. Otherwise separate mapping class will be generated for specific procedure/function. --table-function-returns-table : table functions use ITable as return type, otherwise IQueryable type used type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.table-function-returns-table default: false default (T4 mode): true --emit-schema-errors : generate #error pragma for stored procedures and table functions with schema load errors type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.emit-schema-errors default: false default (T4 mode): false --procedure-types : enables generation of sync and async versions of stored procedure mapping type: string list (optional) json: dataModel.procedure-types default: sync, async default (T4 mode): sync supported values: sync : generate sync stored procedure call mappings async : generate async stored procedure call mappings --skip-procedures-with-schema-errors : skips mapping generation for stored procedure with schema load errors, otherwise generate mapping without result table type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.skip-procedures-with-schema-errors default: false default (T4 mode): true --procedure-returns-list : use List for stored procedure return dataset, otherwise IEnumerable used type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.procedure-returns-list default: false default (T4 mode): false --add-db-type-to-procedures : include database type to stored procedure parameters type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.add-db-type-to-procedures default: false default (T4 mode): false --schema-as-type : generate non-default schemas' code nested into separate class type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.schema-as-type default: true default (T4 mode): false --equatable-entities : entity classes will implement IEquatable interface using primary key column(s) for identity calculation. Requires reference to linq2db.Tools nuget from generated code. type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.equatable-entities default: false default (T4 mode): false --find-methods : enable generation of extension methods to access entity by primary key type: string list (optional) json: dataModel.find-methods default: sync-pk-table, async-pk-table default (T4 mode): sync-pk-table supported values: none : disable generation of Find extensions. Cannot be used with other values sync-pk-table : generate sync entity load extension on table object with primary key parameters: Entity? Find (this ITable table, pk_fields) async-pk-table : generate sync entity load extension on table object with primary key parameters: Task FindAsync(this ITable table, pk_fields, CancellationToken) query-pk-table : generate entity query extension on table object with primary key parameters : IQueryable FindQuery(this ITable table, pk_fields) sync-pk-context : generate sync entity load extension on table object with primary key parameters: Entity? Find (this DataContext db , pk_fields) async-pk-context : generate sync entity load extension on table object with primary key parameters: Task FindAsync(this DataContext db , pk_fields, CancellationToken) query-pk-context : generate entity query extension on table object with primary key parameters : IQueryable FindQuery(this DataContext db , pk_fields) sync-entity-table : generate sync entity load extension on table object with entity parameter : Entity? Find (this ITable table, Entity row) async-entity-table : generate sync entity load extension on table object with entity parameter : Task FindAsync(this ITable table, Entity row, CancellationToken) query-entity-table : generate entity query extension on table object with entity parameter : IQueryable FindQuery(this ITable table, Entity row) sync-entity-context : generate sync entity load extension on generated context with entity parameter : Entity? Find (this DataContext> db , Entity row) async-entity-context : generate sync entity load extension on generated context with entity parameter : Task FindAsync(this DataContext db , Entity row, CancellationToken) query-entity-context : generate entity query extension on generated context with entity parameter : IQueryable FindQuery(this DataContext db , Entity row) --order-find-parameters-by-ordinal : use primary key column ordinal to order Find() extension method parameters (composite primary key only) type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.order-find-parameters-by-ordinal default: true default (T4 mode): false --partial-entities : when set to true, generates partial class modifier on entity mapping classes type: bool (optional) json: dataModel.partial-entities default: false default (T4 mode): true --schema-class-names : provides schema context class/property names for non-default schemas (appliable only if schema-as-type option enabled) type: [string]: string (optional) json: dataModel.schema-class-names examples: --schema-class-names schema1=SchemaOne,schema2=SpecialSchema JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "schema1": "SchemaOne", "schema2": "SpecialSchema" } } Without this option schema name will be used as base name to generate schema context/property names. Specifying this option in command line has limitations and it is recommended to u se JSON for it instead because names in CLI cannot contain comma (,) or equality (=) characters, as they used as separators. data-context-class-name : (allowed only in JSON) data context class naming options (for auto-generated names only) type: object (optional) json: default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "data-context-class-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. entity-class-name : (allowed only in JSON) entity class naming options type: object (optional) json: dataModel.entity-class-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "singular", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": true, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "t4", "pluralization" : "singular", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": true, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "entity-class-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. entity-column-property-name : (allowed only in JSON) entity column properties naming options type: object (optional) json: dataModel.entity-column-property-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "t4", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, "max_uppercase_word_length" : 2, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "entity-column-property-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. entity-context-property-name : (allowed only in JSON) entity table access data context property naming options type: object (optional) json: dataModel.entity-context-property-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "plural_multiple_characters", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": true, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "t4_pluralized", "pluralization" : "plural_multiple_characters", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": true, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "entity-context-property-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. association-name : (allowed only in JSON) association property or extension method naming options type: object (optional) json: dataModel.association-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "association", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "association", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "association-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. association-single-backreference-name : (allowed only in JSON) association backreference property or extension method naming options for single-record cardinality type: object (optional) json: dataModel.association-single-backreference-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "association", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "association", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "association-single-backreference-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. association-multi-backreference-name : (allowed only in JSON) association backreference property or extension method naming options for multi-record cardinality type: object (optional) json: dataModel.association-multi-backreference-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "plural_multiple_characters", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "association", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "plural_multiple_characters", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "association", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "association-multi-backreference-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. proc-or-func-method-name : (allowed only in JSON) procedure or function method naming options type: object (optional) json: dataModel.proc-or-func-method-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "proc-or-func-method-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. proc-or-func-param-name : (allowed only in JSON) procedure or function method parameters naming options type: object (optional) json: dataModel.proc-or-func-param-name default: { "case" : "camel_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "camel_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "proc-or-func-param-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. proc-or-func-result-class-name : (allowed only in JSON) procedure or table function custom result record mapping class naming options type: object (optional) json: dataModel.proc-or-func-result-class-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : "Result", "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : "Result", "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "proc-or-func-result-class-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. async-proc-multi-result-class-name : (allowed only in JSON) results wrapper/holder class naming options for async signature of stored procedure with multiple results. E.g. - procedure with one or more return, out or in-out parameters and rowcount value; - procedure with one or more return, out or in-out parameters and result table. type: object (optional) json: dataModel.async-proc-multi-result-class-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : "Results", "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : "Results", "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "async-proc-multi-result-class-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. async-proc-multi-result-property-name : (allowed only in JSON) results wrapper/holder class properties naming options for async signature of stored procedure with multiple results. E.g. - procedure with one or more return, out or in-out parameters and rowcount value; - procedure with one or more return, out or in-out parameters and result table. type: object (optional) json: dataModel.async-proc-multi-result-property-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "async-proc-multi-result-property-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. proc-or-func-result-property-name : (allowed only in JSON) procedure or table function custom result record column property naming options. You probably don't want to specify this option, as it used for field with private visibility. type: object (optional) json: dataModel.proc-or-func-result-property-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "none", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, "max_uppercase_word_length" : 2, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "proc-or-func-result-property-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. table-function-methodinfo-field-name : (allowed only in JSON) table function FieldInfo field naming options type: object (optional) json: dataModel.table-function-methodinfo-field-name default: { "case" : "camel_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : "_", "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "camel_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : "_", "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "table-function-methodinfo-field-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. function-tuple-class-name : (allowed only in JSON) tuple class naming options for scalar function with tuple return type type: object (optional) json: dataModel.function-tuple-class-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : "Result", "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : "Result", "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "function-tuple-class-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. function-tuple-class-field-name : (allowed only in JSON) tuple class field naming options for scalar function with tuple return type type: object (optional) json: dataModel.function-tuple-class-field-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "function-tuple-class-field-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. schema-class-name : (allowed only in JSON) non-default schema wrapper class naming options type: object (optional) json: dataModel.schema-class-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : "Schema", "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : "Schema", "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "schema-class-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. schema-context-property-name : (allowed only in JSON) non-default schema context property in main context naming options type: object (optional) json: dataModel.schema-context-property-name default: { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "schema-context-property-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. find-parameter-name : (allowed only in JSON) Find extension method parameters naming options type: object (optional) json: dataModel.find-parameter-name default: { "case" : "camel_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } default (T4 mode): { "case" : "camel_case", "pluralization" : "none", "prefix" : null, "suffix" : null, "transformation" : "split_by_underscore", "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only": false, "ignore_all_caps" : false, } JSON examples: { "dataModel": { "find-parameter-name": { "case" : "pascal_case", "pluralization": "singular", "suffix" : "Record" } } } Naming options could be specified only in JSON file and defined as object with following properties: - case : string : specify name casing (see values below) + "none" : no casing applied to identifier + "pascal_case" : identifier cased using PascalCase + "camel_case" : identifier cased using camelCase + "snake_case" : identifier cased using snake_case + "lower_case" : identifier cased using lowercase + "upper_case" : identifier cased using UPPERCASE + "t4_pluralized" : emulation of casing logic for pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) + "t4" : emulation of casing logic for non-pluralized names used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralization : string : specify name pluralization (see values below) + "none" : don't pluralize identifier + "singular" : singularize identifier + "plural" : pluralize identifier + "plural_multiple_characters" : pluralize identifier only when last word is longer than one character - prefix : string? : optional name prefix - suffix : string? : optional name suffix - transformation : string : base name transformation logic (see values below) + "none" : no transformations applied, treat whole identifier as one word + "split_by_underscore" : split base name, got from database object name, into separate words by underscore (_) + "association" : emulation of identifier generation logic for association name used by T4 templates (compat. option) - pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only : bool : when set, pluralization not applied if name ends with non-word (e.g. with digit) - ignore_all_caps : bool : when set, casing not applied to names that contain only uppercase letters If you don't specify some property, CLI will use default value for current option. This allows you to override only some properties without need to specify all properties. === Code Generation : code-generation options --nrt : enable generation of nullable reference type annotations type: bool (optional) json: code.nrt default: true default (T4 mode): true --indent : code indent string type: string (optional) json: code.indent default: \t default (T4 mode): \t --new-line : new line sequence, used by generated code type: string (optional) json: default: value of Environment.NewLine default (T4 mode): value of Environment.NewLine examples: --new-line "/*I'm newline*/" JSON examples: { "code": { "new-line": "\r\n" } } it is recommended to use json for this option, as passing new line characters in command line could be tricky --no-xmldoc-warn : suppress missing xml-doc warnings in generated code type: bool (optional) json: default: true default (T4 mode): true --autogenerated : marks code with comment type: bool (optional) json: code.autogenerated default: true default (T4 mode): true --single-file : generates all code in single file type: bool (optional) json: code.single-file default: false default (T4 mode): true --generated-suffix : adds ".generated." suffix to generated files type: bool (optional) json: code.generated-suffix default: false default (T4 mode): false --conflicts : specify namespaces and/or types that conflict with generated code type: string list (optional) json: code.conflicts examples: --conflicts My.Namespace.SomeType+ConflictingNestedType,Some.ConflictingNamespace.Or.Type JSON examples: { "code": { "conflicts": ["My.Namespace.SomeType+ConflictingNestedType", "Some.ConflictingNamespace.Or.Type"] } } If generated code has name conflict with other namespaces or types you define or reference in your code, you can pass those names to this method. Code generator will use this informa tion to generate non-conflicting names. --header : specify custom text for file header comment (when enabled) type: string (optional) json: code.header When not specified, uses default linq2db header text. -n, --namespace : namespace name for generated code type: string (optional) json: code.namespace default: DataModel default (T4 mode): DataModel Examples: dotnet linq2db scaffold -o c:\my_project\model -p SqlServer -c "Server=MySqlServer;Database=MyDatabase;User Id=scaffold_user;Password=secret;" generates database model classes in specified folder for SQL Server database, pointed by specified connection string dotnet linq2db scaffold -i path\to\my_scaffold_options.json -c "Server=MySqlServer;Database=MyDatabase;User Id=scaffold_user;Password=secret;" generates database model classes using options, specified in json file, except database connection string, passed explicitly