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Configuring LINQ To DB for ASP.NET Core

Available since: 3.0.0-rc.0

In this walkthrough, you will configure an ASP.NET Core application to access a local SQLite Database using LINQ To DB


The following will be reuiqred to complete this walkthrough:

Create a new project

First thing we're going to do is create a new ASP.NET Core application using the dotnet CLI

dotnet new webapp -o gettingStartedLinqToDBAspNet

Install LINQ To DB

We can now use the CLI to install LINQ To DB and database provider (SQLite in this walkthrough)

dotnet add package linq2db.AspNet
dotnet add package System.Data.SQLite.Core

Custom Data Connection

We're going to create a custom data connection to use to access LINQ To DB, create a class like this:

using LinqToDB.Configuration;
using LinqToDB.Data;

public class AppDataConnection: DataConnection
    public AppDataConnection(DataOptions<AppDataConnection> options)


Note here our AppDataConnection inherits from LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection which is the base class for the Linq To DB connection.


a public constructor that accepts DataOptions<AppDataConnection> and passes the options on to the base constructor is required.

Add Connection String

For this example we're going to use SQLite in memory mode, for production you'll want to use something else, but it's pretty easy to change.

First you want to add the connection string to appsettings.Development.json, something like this:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Warning",
      "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
  //add this
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "Default": ":memory:" //<-- connection string, used in the next step

Configure Dependency injection

inside Startup.cs you want register the data connection like this:

public class Startup
    public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        //using LinqToDB.AspNet
        services.AddLinqToDBContext<AppDataConnection>((provider, options)
            => options
                //will configure the AppDataConnection to use
                //sqite with the provided connection string
                //there are methods for each supported database
                //default logging will log everything using the ILoggerFactory configured in the provider

There's plenty of other configuration options available, if you are familiar with LINQ To DB already, you can convert your existing application over to use the new DataOptions class as every configuration method is supported


Use AddLinqToDBContext<TContext, TContextImplementation> if you would like to resolve an interface or base class instead of the concrete class in your controllers

By default this will configure the service provider to create a new AppDataConnection for each HTTP Request, and will dispose of it once the request is finished. This can be configured with the last parameter to AddLinqToDBContext(... ServiceLifetime lifetime), more information about lifetimes here

Simple Entity Configuration

Let's create this simple entity in our project

using System;
using LinqToDB.Mapping;

public class Person
    public Guid     Id       { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid();
    public string   Name     { get; set; }
    public DateTime Birthday { get; set; }

Add table property to the data connection

Open up our AppDataConnection and add this property

public class AppDataConnection: DataConnection
    public ITable<Person> People => GetTable<Person>();

Now we can inject our data connection into a controller and query and insert/update/delete using the ITable<Person> interface.


side note, since we don't have anything to create the actual database, we need to add this code into the configure method in Startup.cs

public class Startup
   public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
       using (var scope = app.ApplicationServices.CreateScope())
           var dataConnection = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<AppDataConnection>();

Inject the connection into a controller

In order to actually access the database we're going to want to use it from a controller, here's a sample controller to get you started with a few examples.

public class PeopleController : Controller
    private readonly AppDataConnection _connection;

    public PeopleController(AppDataConnection connection)
        _connection = connection;

    public Task<Person[]> ListPeople()
        return _connection.People.ToArrayAsync();

    public Task<Person?> GetPerson(Guid id)
        return _connection.People.SingleOrDefaultAsync(person => person.Id == id);

    public Task<int> DeletePerson(Guid id)
        return _connection.People.Where(person => person.Id == id).DeleteAsync();

    public Task<int> UpdatePerson(Person person)
        return _connection.UpdateAsync(person);

    public Task<int> UpdatePersonName(Guid id, string newName)
        return _connection.People.Where(person => person.Id == id)
            .Set(person => person.Name, newName)

    public Task<int> InsertPerson(Person person)
        return _connection.InsertAsync(person);

Quick start for people already familiar with LINQ To DB

LINQ To DB now has support for ASP.NET Dependency injection. Here's a simple example of how to add it to dependency injection

public class Startup
    public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        //using LinqToDB.AspNet
        services.AddLinqToDBContext<AppDataConnection>((provider, options)
            => options
                //will configure the AppDataConnection to use
                //SqlServer with the provided connection string
                //there are methods for each supported database

                //default logging will log everything using
                //an ILoggerFactory configured in the provider

We've done our best job to allow any existing use case to be migrated to using the new configuration options, please create an issue if something isn't supported. There are also some methods to setup tracing and mapping schema.

You'll need to update your data connection to accept the new options class too.

public class AppDataConnection: DataConnection
    public AppDataConnection(DataOptions<AppDataConnection> options)


DataConnection will use the options passed into the base constructor to setup the connection.