Enum ActivityID
Activity Service event ID.
public enum ActivityID
- Extension Methods
Build = 9
BuildQuery = 14
BuildSequence = 10
BuildSequenceBuild = 12
BuildSequenceCanBuild = 11
BuildSql = 45
BulkCopy = 43
BulkCopyAsync = 44
CommandExecuteNonQuery = 69
CommandExecuteNonQueryAsync = 70
CommandExecuteReader = 67
CommandExecuteReaderAsync = 68
CommandExecuteScalar = 65
CommandExecuteScalarAsync = 66
CommandInfoExecute = 46
CommandInfoExecuteAsync = 49
CommandInfoExecuteAsyncT = 50
CommandInfoExecuteCustom = 48
CommandInfoExecuteT = 47
CommandInterceptorAfterExecuteReader = 78
The AfterExecuteReader(CommandEventData, DbCommand, CommandBehavior, DbDataReader) method call.
CommandInterceptorBeforeReaderDispose = 79
The BeforeReaderDispose(CommandEventData, DbCommand?, DbDataReader) method call.
CommandInterceptorBeforeReaderDisposeAsync = 80
The BeforeReaderDisposeAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand?, DbDataReader) method call.
CommandInterceptorCommandInitialized = 71
The CommandInitialized(CommandEventData, DbCommand) method call.
CommandInterceptorExecuteNonQuery = 74
The ExecuteNonQuery(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<int>) method call.
CommandInterceptorExecuteNonQueryAsync = 75
The ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<int>, CancellationToken) method call.
CommandInterceptorExecuteReader = 76
The ExecuteReader(CommandEventData, DbCommand, CommandBehavior, Option<DbDataReader>) method call.
CommandInterceptorExecuteReaderAsync = 77
The ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand, CommandBehavior, Option<DbDataReader>, CancellationToken) method call.
CommandInterceptorExecuteScalar = 72
The ExecuteScalar(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<object?>) method call.
CommandInterceptorExecuteScalarAsync = 73
The ExecuteScalarAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<object?>, CancellationToken) method call.
ConnectionBeginTransaction = 57
ConnectionBeginTransactionAsync = 58
ConnectionClose = 53
ConnectionCloseAsync = 54
ConnectionDispose = 55
ConnectionDisposeAsync = 56
ConnectionInterceptorConnectionOpened = 83
The ConnectionOpened(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection) method call.
ConnectionInterceptorConnectionOpenedAsync = 84
The ConnectionOpenedAsync(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection, CancellationToken) method call.
ConnectionInterceptorConnectionOpening = 81
The ConnectionOpening(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection) method call.
ConnectionInterceptorConnectionOpeningAsync = 82
The ConnectionOpeningAsync(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection, CancellationToken) method call.
ConnectionOpen = 51
ConnectionOpenAsync = 52
CreateTable = 29
CreateTableAsync = 30
DataContextInterceptorOnClosed = 87
The OnClosed(DataContextEventData) method call.
DataContextInterceptorOnClosedAsync = 88
The OnClosedAsync(DataContextEventData) method call.
DataContextInterceptorOnClosing = 85
The OnClosing(DataContextEventData) method call.
DataContextInterceptorOnClosingAsync = 86
The OnClosingAsync(DataContextEventData) method call.
DeleteObject = 33
DeleteObjectAsync = 34
DropTable = 31
DropTableAsync = 32
EntityServiceInterceptorEntityCreated = 89
The EntityCreated(EntityCreatedEventData, object) method call.
ExecuteElement = 19
ExecuteElementAsync = 20
ExecuteNonQuery = 23
ExecuteNonQuery2 = 25
ExecuteNonQuery2Async = 26
ExecuteNonQueryAsync = 24
ExecuteQuery = 17
ExecuteQueryAsync = 18
ExecuteScalar = 21
ExecuteScalarAlternative = 27
Alternative implementation of InsertOrReplace<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) method.
ExecuteScalarAlternativeAsync = 28
ExecuteScalarAsync = 22
FinalizeQuery = 15
GetIEnumerable = 16
GetQueryCreate = 8
GetQueryFind = 5
GetQueryFindExpose = 6
GetQueryFindFind = 7
GetQueryTotal = 4
GetSqlText = 94
InsertObject = 35
InsertObjectAsync = 36
InsertOrReplaceObject = 37
InsertOrReplaceObjectAsync = 38
InsertWithIdentityObject = 39
InsertWithIdentityObjectAsync = 40
Materialization = 95
OnTraceInternal = 96
QueryProviderExecute = 1
QueryProviderExecuteT = 0
QueryProviderGetEnumerator = 3
QueryProviderGetEnumeratorT = 2
ReorderBuilders = 13
TransactionCommit = 59
TransactionCommitAsync = 60
TransactionDispose = 63
TransactionDisposeAsync = 64
TransactionRollback = 61
TransactionRollbackAsync = 62
UnwrapDataObjectInterceptorUnwrapCommand = 92
The UnwrapCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) method call.
UnwrapDataObjectInterceptorUnwrapConnection = 90
The UnwrapConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) method call.
UnwrapDataObjectInterceptorUnwrapDataReader = 93
The UnwrapDataReader(IDataContext, DbDataReader) method call.
UnwrapDataObjectInterceptorUnwrapTransaction = 91
The UnwrapTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) method call.
UpdateObject = 41
UpdateObjectAsync = 42