Table of Contents

Class DataConnectionExtensions


Contains extension methods for DataConnection class.

public static class DataConnectionExtensions


BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataConnection, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation.

public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class


dataConnection DataConnection

Database connection.

options BulkCopyOptions

Operation options.

source IEnumerable<T>

Records to insert.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with bulk insert operation status.

Type Parameters


Mapping type of inserted record.

BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation.

public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class


dataConnection DataConnection

Database connection.

source IEnumerable<T>

Records to insert.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with bulk insert operation status.

Type Parameters


Mapping type of inserted record.

BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataConnection, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation.

public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, int maxBatchSize, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class


dataConnection DataConnection

Database connection.

maxBatchSize int

Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server.

source IEnumerable<T>

Records to insert.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with bulk insert operation status.

Type Parameters


Mapping type of inserted record.

BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation into table specified in options parameter or into table, identified by table.

public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : notnull


table ITable<T>

Target table.

options BulkCopyOptions

Operation options.

source IEnumerable<T>

Records to insert.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with bulk insert operation status.

Type Parameters


Mapping type of inserted record.

BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation into table, identified by table.

public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : notnull


table ITable<T>

Target table.

source IEnumerable<T>

Records to insert.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with bulk insert operation status.

Type Parameters


Mapping type of inserted record.

BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation into table, identified by table.

public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, int maxBatchSize, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : notnull


table ITable<T>

Target table.

maxBatchSize int

Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server.

source IEnumerable<T>

Records to insert.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with bulk insert operation status.

Type Parameters


Mapping type of inserted record.

BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>)

Performs bulk insert operation.

public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : class


dataConnection DataConnection

Database connection.

options BulkCopyOptions

Operation options.

source IEnumerable<T>

Records to insert.



Bulk insert operation status.

Type Parameters


Mapping type of inserted record.

BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>)

Performs bulk insert operation.

public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : class


dataConnection DataConnection

Database connection.

source IEnumerable<T>

Records to insert.



Bulk insert operation status.

Type Parameters


Mapping type of inserted record.

BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, int, IEnumerable<T>)

Performs bulk insert operation.

public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, int maxBatchSize, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : class


dataConnection DataConnection

Database connection.

maxBatchSize int

Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server.

source IEnumerable<T>

Records to insert.



Bulk insert operation status.

Type Parameters


Mapping type of inserted record.

BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>)

Performs bulk insert operation into table specified in options parameter or into table, identified by table.

public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this ITable<T> table, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull


table ITable<T>

Target table.

options BulkCopyOptions

Operation options.

source IEnumerable<T>

Records to insert.



Bulk insert operation status.

Type Parameters


Mapping type of inserted record.

BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>)

Performs bulk insert operation into table, identified by table.

public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull


table ITable<T>

Target table.

source IEnumerable<T>

Records to insert.



Bulk insert operation status.

Type Parameters


Mapping type of inserted record.

BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>)

Performs bulk insert operation into table, identified by table.

public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this ITable<T> table, int maxBatchSize, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull


table ITable<T>

Target table.

maxBatchSize int

Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server.

source IEnumerable<T>

Records to insert.



Bulk insert operation status.

Type Parameters


Mapping type of inserted record.

Execute(DataConnection, string)

Executes command and returns number of affected records.

public static int Execute(this DataConnection connection, string sql)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.



Number of records, affected by command execution.

Execute(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command and returns number of affected records.

public static int Execute(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Number of records, affected by command execution.

Execute(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command and returns number of affected records.

public static int Execute(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Number of records, affected by command execution.

ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string)

Executes command asynchronously and returns number of affected records.

public static Task<int> ExecuteAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.



Task with number of records, affected by command execution.

ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns number of affected records.

public static Task<int> ExecuteAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Task with number of records, affected by command execution.

ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns number of affected records.

public static Task<int> ExecuteAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Task with number of records, affected by command execution.

ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken)

Executes command asynchronously and returns number of affected records.

public static Task<int> ExecuteAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with number of records, affected by command execution.

ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns number of affected records.

public static Task<int> ExecuteAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Task with number of records, affected by command execution.

ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns number of affected records.

public static Task<int> ExecuteAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Task with number of records, affected by command execution.

ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string)

Executes command asynchronously and returns single value.

public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.



Task with resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter)

Executes command asynchronously and returns single value.

public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameter DataParameter

Command parameter.



Task with resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter, CancellationToken)

Executes command asynchronously and returns single value.

public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameter DataParameter

Command parameter.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns single value.

public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Task with resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns single value.

public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Task with resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken)

Executes command asynchronously and returns single value.

public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns single value.

public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Task with resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns single value.

public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Task with resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

ExecuteProc(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns number of affected records. Sets result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding parameters in parameters.

public static int ExecuteProc(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Number of records, affected by command execution.

ExecuteProc(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns number of affected records.

public static int ExecuteProc(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Number of records, affected by command execution.

ExecuteProcAsync(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns number of affected records. Sets result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding parameters in parameters.

public static Task<int> ExecuteProcAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Task with number of records, affected by command execution.

ExecuteProcAsync(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns number of affected records.

public static Task<int> ExecuteProcAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Task with number of records, affected by command execution.

ExecuteProcAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns number of affected records.

public static Task<int> ExecuteProcAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Task with number of records, affected by command execution.

ExecuteProcAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?)

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns number of affected records.

public static Task<int> ExecuteProcAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Task with number of records, affected by command execution.

ExecuteProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns single value. Sets result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding parameters in parameters.

public static Task<T> ExecuteProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Task with resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

ExecuteProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns single value.

public static Task<T> ExecuteProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Task with resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

ExecuteProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns single value.

public static Task<T> ExecuteProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

ExecuteProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?)

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns single value.

public static Task<T> ExecuteProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

ExecuteProc<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns single value. Sets result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding parameters in parameters.

public static T ExecuteProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

ExecuteProc<T>(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns single value.

public static T ExecuteProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string)

Executes command and returns data reader instance.

public static DataReader ExecuteReader(this DataConnection connection, string sql)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.



Data reader object.

ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string, DataParameter)

Executes command and returns data reader instance.

public static DataReader ExecuteReader(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameter DataParameter

Command parameter.



Data reader object.

ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command and returns data reader instance.

public static DataReader ExecuteReader(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Data reader object.

ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string, CommandType, CommandBehavior, params DataParameter[])

Executes command and returns data reader instance.

public static DataReader ExecuteReader(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CommandType commandType, CommandBehavior commandBehavior, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

commandType CommandType

Type of command. See CommandType for all supported types.

commandBehavior CommandBehavior

Command behavior flags. See CommandBehavior for more details.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Data reader object.

ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command and returns data reader instance.

public static DataReader ExecuteReader(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Data reader object.

Execute<T>(DataConnection, string)

Executes command and returns single value.

public static T Execute<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.



Resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

Execute<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter)

Executes command and returns single value.

public static T Execute<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameter DataParameter

Command parameter.



Resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

Execute<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command and returns single value.

public static T Execute<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

Execute<T>(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command and returns single value.

public static T Execute<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Resulting value.

Type Parameters


Resulting value type.

MergeAsync<T>(DataConnection, bool, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken)

Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert
  • Delete By Source (optional). If delete operation enabled by delete parameter - method could be used only with SQL Server.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, bool delete, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class


dataConnection DataConnection

Data connection instance.

delete bool

If true, merge command will include delete by source operation without condition.

source IEnumerable<T>

Source data to merge into target table.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

MergeAsync<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken)

Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class


dataConnection DataConnection

Data connection instance.

source IEnumerable<T>

Source data to merge into target table.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

MergeAsync<T>(DataConnection, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken)

Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert
  • Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class


dataConnection DataConnection

Data connection instance.

predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>>

Filter, applied to delete operation. Optional.

source IEnumerable<T>

Source data to merge into target table.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

MergeAsync<T>(DataConnection, IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken)

Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert
  • Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class


dataConnection DataConnection

Data connection instance.

source IQueryable<T>

Source data to merge into target table. All source data will be loaded from server for command generation.

predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>>

Filter, applied both to source and delete operation. Required.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

MergeAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken)

Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert
  • Delete By Source (optional). If delete operation enabled by delete parameter - method could be used only with SQL Server.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, bool delete, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class


table ITable<T>

Target table.

delete bool

If true, merge command will include delete by source operation without condition.

source IEnumerable<T>

Source data to merge into target table.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

MergeAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken)

Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class


table ITable<T>

Target table.

source IEnumerable<T>

Source data to merge into target table.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

MergeAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken)

Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert
  • Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class


table ITable<T>

Target table.

predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>>

Filter, applied to delete operation. Optional.

source IEnumerable<T>

Source data to merge into target table.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

MergeAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken)

Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert
  • Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class


table ITable<T>

Target table.

source IQueryable<T>

Source data to merge into target table. All source data will be loaded from server for command generation.

predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>>

Filter, applied both to source and delete operation. Required.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Task with number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

Merge<T>(DataConnection, bool, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions)

Executes following merge operations in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert
  • Delete By Source (optional). If delete operation enabled by delete parameter - method could be used only for with Server.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static int Merge<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, bool delete, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class


dataConnection DataConnection

Data connection instance.

delete bool

If true, merge command will include delete by source operation without condition.

source IEnumerable<T>

Source data to merge into target table.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.



Returns number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

Merge<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions)

Executes following merge operations in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static int Merge<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class


dataConnection DataConnection

Data connection instance.

source IEnumerable<T>

Source data to merge into target table.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.



Returns number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

Merge<T>(DataConnection, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions)

Executes following merge operations in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert
  • Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static int Merge<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class


dataConnection DataConnection

Data connection instance.

predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>>

Filter, applied to delete operation. Optional.

source IEnumerable<T>

Source data to merge into target table.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.



Returns number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

Merge<T>(DataConnection, IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions)

Executes following merge operations in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert
  • Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static int Merge<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class


dataConnection DataConnection

Data connection instance.

source IQueryable<T>

Source data to merge into target table. All source data will be loaded from server for command generation.

predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>>

Filter, applied both to source and delete operation. Required.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.



Returns number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

Merge<T>(ITable<T>, bool, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions)

Executes following merge operations in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert
  • Delete By Source (optional). If delete operation enabled by delete parameter - method could be used only with SQL Server.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static int Merge<T>(this ITable<T> table, bool delete, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class


table ITable<T>

Target table.

delete bool

If true, merge command will include delete by source operation without condition.

source IEnumerable<T>

Source data to merge into target table.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.



Returns number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

Merge<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions)

Executes following merge operations in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static int Merge<T>(this ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class


table ITable<T>

Target table.

source IEnumerable<T>

Source data to merge into target table.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.



Returns number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

Merge<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions)

Executes following merge operations in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert
  • Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static int Merge<T>(this ITable<T> table, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class


table ITable<T>

Target table.

predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>>

Filter, applied to delete operation. Optional.

source IEnumerable<T>

Source data to merge into target table.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.



Returns number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

Merge<T>(ITable<T>, IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions)

Executes following merge operations in specified order:

  • Update
  • Insert
  • Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server.
[Obsolete("Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method")]
public static int Merge<T>(this ITable<T> table, IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class


table ITable<T>

Target table.

source IQueryable<T>

Source data to merge into target table. All source data will be loaded from server for command generation.

predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>>

Filter, applied both to source and delete operation. Required.

tableName string

Optional target table name.

databaseName string

Optional target table's database name.

schemaName string

Optional target table's schema name.

serverName string

Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used.

tableOptions TableOptions

Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider.



Returns number of affected target records.

Type Parameters


Target table mapping class.

QueryMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns a result containing multiple result sets.

public static Task<T> QueryMultipleAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) where T : class


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains object with multiply result sets.

Type Parameters


Result set type.


Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute.

class MultipleResult
   [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }

Example of T definition without attributes.

class MultipleResult
   public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }


  • type T should have default constructor.

  • if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored.

  • if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored.

  • if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class.

QueryMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns a result containing multiple result sets.

public static Task<T> QueryMultipleAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) where T : class


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains object with multiply result sets.

Type Parameters


Result set type.


Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute.

class MultipleResult
   [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }

Example of T definition without attributes.

class MultipleResult
   public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }


  • type T should have default constructor.

  • if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored.

  • if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored.

  • if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class.

QueryMultiple<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command and returns a result containing multiple result sets.

public static T QueryMultiple<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) where T : class


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns result.

Type Parameters


Result set type.


Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute.

class MultipleResult
   [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }

Example of T definition without attributes.

class MultipleResult
   public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }


  • type T should have default constructor.

  • if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored.

  • if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored.

  • if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class.

QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?, CancellationToken)

Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, object? parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?, CancellationToken)

Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes stored procedure asynchronously and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?, CancellationToken)

Executes stored procedure asynchronously and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, object? parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes stored procedure asynchronously and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns a result containing multiple result sets. Sets result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding parameters in parameters.

public static Task<T> QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) where T : class


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains object with multiply result sets.

Type Parameters


Result set type.


Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute.

class MultipleResult
   [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }

Example of T definition without attributes.

class MultipleResult
   public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }


  • type T should have default constructor.

  • if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored.

  • if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored.

  • if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class.

QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns a result containing multiple result sets.

public static Task<T> QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) where T : class


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains object with multiply result sets.

Type Parameters


Result set type.


Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute.

class MultipleResult
   [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }

Example of T definition without attributes.

class MultipleResult
   public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }


  • type T should have default constructor.

  • if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored.

  • if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored.

  • if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class.

QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns a result containing multiple result sets.

public static Task<T> QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) where T : class


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains object with multiply result sets.

Type Parameters


Result set type.


Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute.

class MultipleResult
   [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }

Example of T definition without attributes.

class MultipleResult
   public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }


  • type T should have default constructor.

  • if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored.

  • if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored.

  • if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class.

QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?)

Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns a result containing multiple result sets.

public static Task<T> QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters) where T : class


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains object with multiply result sets.

Type Parameters


Result set type.


Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute.

class MultipleResult
   [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }

Example of T definition without attributes.

class MultipleResult
   public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }


  • type T should have default constructor.

  • if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored.

  • if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored.

  • if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class.

QueryProcMultiple<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns a result containing multiple result sets. Sets result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding parameters in parameters.

public static T QueryProcMultiple<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) where T : class


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns result.

Type Parameters


Result set type.


Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute.

class MultipleResult
   [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }

Example of T definition without attributes.

class MultipleResult
   public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }


  • type T should have default constructor.

  • if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored.

  • if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored.

  • if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class.

QueryProcMultiple<T>(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns a result containing multiple result sets.

public static T QueryProcMultiple<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) where T : class


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns result.

Type Parameters


Result set type.


Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute.

class MultipleResult
   [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }

Example of T definition without attributes.

class MultipleResult
   public IEnumerable<Person>  AllPersons   { get; set; }
   public IList<Doctor>        AllDoctors   { get; set; }
   public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients  { get; set; }
   public Patient              FirstPatient { get; set; }


  • type T should have default constructor.

  • if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored.

  • if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored.

  • if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class.

QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?)

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes stored procedure and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?)

Executes stored procedure and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string)

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken)

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string)

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter)

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameter DataParameter

Command parameter.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter, CancellationToken)

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameter DataParameter

Command parameter.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken)

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values of specified type.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values of specified type.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values of specified type.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values of specified type.

public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns task with array of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string)

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?, CancellationToken)

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, object? parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken)

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string)

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter)

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameter DataParameter

Command parameter.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter, CancellationToken)

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameter DataParameter

Command parameter.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken)

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values of specified type.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values of specified type.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[])

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values of specified type.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, object?)

Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values of specified type.

public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Asynchronous operation cancellation token.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns task with list of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

Query<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string)

Executes command and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

Query<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

Query<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?)

Executes command and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function.

public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T>

Record mapping function from data reader.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

Query<T>(DataConnection, string)

Executes command and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

Query<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter)

Executes command and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameter DataParameter

Command parameter.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

Query<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

Query<T>(DataConnection, string, object?)

Executes command and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

Query<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[])

Executes command and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

Query<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?)

Executes command and returns results as collection of values of specified type.

public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, object? parameters)


connection DataConnection

Database connection.

template T

This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types.

sql string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Returns collection of query result records.

Type Parameters


Result record type.

SetCommand(DataConnection, string)

Creates command wrapper for current connection with provided command text.

public static CommandInfo SetCommand(this DataConnection dataConnection, string commandText)


dataConnection DataConnection

Database connection.

commandText string

Command text.



Database command wrapper.

SetCommand(DataConnection, string, DataParameter)

Creates command wrapper for current connection with provided command text and single parameter.

public static CommandInfo SetCommand(this DataConnection dataConnection, string commandText, DataParameter parameter)


dataConnection DataConnection

Database connection.

commandText string

Command text.

parameter DataParameter

Command parameter.



Database command wrapper.

SetCommand(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[])

Creates command wrapper for current connection with provided command text and parameters.

public static CommandInfo SetCommand(this DataConnection dataConnection, string commandText, params DataParameter[] parameters)


dataConnection DataConnection

Database connection.

commandText string

Command text.

parameters DataParameter[]

Command parameters.



Database command wrapper.

SetCommand(DataConnection, string, object?)

Creates command wrapper for current connection with provided command text and parameters.

public static CommandInfo SetCommand(this DataConnection dataConnection, string commandText, object? parameters)


dataConnection DataConnection

Database connection.

commandText string

Command text.

parameters object

Command parameters. Supported values:

- null for command without parameters;

- single DataParameter instance;

- array of DataParameter parameters;

- mapping class entity.

Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic:

- if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used;

- if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter;

- otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema.



Database command wrapper.