Table of Contents

Class BulkCopyOptions

public sealed record BulkCopyOptions : IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<BulkCopyOptions>
Extension Methods



public BulkCopyOptions()

BulkCopyOptions(int?, int?, BulkCopyType, bool?, bool?, bool?, bool?, bool?, bool?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, int, Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied>?, bool, int?, int?, bool)

public BulkCopyOptions(int? MaxBatchSize = null, int? BulkCopyTimeout = null, BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.Default, bool? CheckConstraints = null, bool? KeepIdentity = null, bool? TableLock = null, bool? KeepNulls = null, bool? FireTriggers = null, bool? UseInternalTransaction = null, string? ServerName = null, string? DatabaseName = null, string? SchemaName = null, string? TableName = null, TableOptions TableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, int NotifyAfter = 0, Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied>? RowsCopiedCallback = null, bool UseParameters = false, int? MaxParametersForBatch = null, int? MaxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool WithoutSession = false)


MaxBatchSize int?

Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server. Returns an integer value or zero if no value has been set.

BulkCopyTimeout int?

Number of seconds for the operation to complete before it times out.

BulkCopyType BulkCopyType

Default bulk copy mode, used by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly.

CheckConstraints bool?

Enables database constrains enforcement during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases:

  • Oracle
  • SQL Server
  • SAP/Sybase ASE
KeepIdentity bool?

If this option set to true, bulk copy will use values of columns, marked with IsIdentity flag. SkipOnInsert flag in this case will be ignored. Otherwise those columns will be skipped and values will be generated by server. Not compatible with RowByRow mode.

TableLock bool?

Applies table lock during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases:

  • DB2
  • Informix (using DB2 provider)
  • SQL Server
  • SAP/Sybase ASE
KeepNulls bool?

Enables instert of NULL values instead of values from colum default constraint during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases:

  • SQL Server
  • SAP/Sybase ASE
FireTriggers bool?

Enables insert triggers during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases:

  • Oracle
  • SQL Server
  • SAP/Sybase ASE
UseInternalTransaction bool?

Enables automatic transaction creation during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases:

  • Oracle
  • SQL Server
  • SAP/Sybase ASE
ServerName string

Gets or sets explicit name of target server instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. Also note that it is not supported by provider-specific insert method.

DatabaseName string

Gets or sets explicit name of target database instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider.

SchemaName string

Gets or sets explicit name of target schema/owner instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider.

TableName string

Gets or sets explicit name of target table instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema.

TableOptions TableOptions

Gets or sets TableOptions flags overrides instead of configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) method for support information per provider.

NotifyAfter int

Gets or sets counter after how many copied records RowsCopiedCallback should be called. E.g. if you set it to 10, callback will be called after each 10 copied records. To disable callback, set this option to 0 (default value).

RowsCopiedCallback Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied>

Gets or sets callback method that will be called by BulkCopy operation after each NotifyAfter rows copied. This callback will not be used if NotifyAfter set to 0.

UseParameters bool

Gets or sets whether to Always use Parameters for MultipleRowsCopy. Default is false. If True, provider's override for MaxParameters will be used to determine the maximum number of rows per insert, Unless overridden by MaxParametersForBatch.

MaxParametersForBatch int?

If set, will override the Maximum parameters per batch statement from MaxParameters.

MaxDegreeOfParallelism int?

Implemented only by ClickHouse.Client provider. Defines number of connections, used for parallel insert in ProviderSpecific mode.

WithoutSession bool

Implemented only by ClickHouse.Client provider. When set, provider-specific bulk copy will use session-less connection even if called over connection with session. Note that session-less connections cannot be used with session-bound functionality like temporary tables.



public static readonly BulkCopyOptions Empty

Field Value




Number of seconds for the operation to complete before it times out.

public int? BulkCopyTimeout { get; init; }

Property Value



Default bulk copy mode, used by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly.

public BulkCopyType BulkCopyType { get; init; }

Property Value



Enables database constrains enforcement during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases:

  • Oracle
  • SQL Server
  • SAP/Sybase ASE
public bool? CheckConstraints { get; init; }

Property Value



Gets or sets explicit name of target database instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider.

public string? DatabaseName { get; init; }

Property Value



Enables insert triggers during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases:

  • Oracle
  • SQL Server
  • SAP/Sybase ASE
public bool? FireTriggers { get; init; }

Property Value



If this option set to true, bulk copy will use values of columns, marked with IsIdentity flag. SkipOnInsert flag in this case will be ignored. Otherwise those columns will be skipped and values will be generated by server. Not compatible with RowByRow mode.

public bool? KeepIdentity { get; init; }

Property Value



Enables instert of NULL values instead of values from colum default constraint during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases:

  • SQL Server
  • SAP/Sybase ASE
public bool? KeepNulls { get; init; }

Property Value



Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server. Returns an integer value or zero if no value has been set.

public int? MaxBatchSize { get; init; }

Property Value



Implemented only by ClickHouse.Client provider. Defines number of connections, used for parallel insert in ProviderSpecific mode.

public int? MaxDegreeOfParallelism { get; init; }

Property Value



If set, will override the Maximum parameters per batch statement from MaxParameters.

public int? MaxParametersForBatch { get; init; }

Property Value



Gets or sets counter after how many copied records RowsCopiedCallback should be called. E.g. if you set it to 10, callback will be called after each 10 copied records. To disable callback, set this option to 0 (default value).

public int NotifyAfter { get; init; }

Property Value



Gets or sets callback method that will be called by BulkCopy operation after each NotifyAfter rows copied. This callback will not be used if NotifyAfter set to 0.

public Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied>? RowsCopiedCallback { get; init; }

Property Value



Gets or sets explicit name of target schema/owner instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider.

public string? SchemaName { get; init; }

Property Value



Gets or sets explicit name of target server instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. Also note that it is not supported by provider-specific insert method.

public string? ServerName { get; init; }

Property Value



Applies table lock during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases:

  • DB2
  • Informix (using DB2 provider)
  • SQL Server
  • SAP/Sybase ASE
public bool? TableLock { get; init; }

Property Value



Gets or sets explicit name of target table instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema.

public string? TableName { get; init; }

Property Value



Gets or sets TableOptions flags overrides instead of configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) method for support information per provider.

public TableOptions TableOptions { get; init; }

Property Value



Enables automatic transaction creation during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases:

  • Oracle
  • SQL Server
  • SAP/Sybase ASE
public bool? UseInternalTransaction { get; init; }

Property Value



Gets or sets whether to Always use Parameters for MultipleRowsCopy. Default is false. If True, provider's override for MaxParameters will be used to determine the maximum number of rows per insert, Unless overridden by MaxParametersForBatch.

public bool UseParameters { get; init; }

Property Value



Implemented only by ClickHouse.Client provider. When set, provider-specific bulk copy will use session-less connection even if called over connection with session. Note that session-less connections cannot be used with session-bound functionality like temporary tables.

public bool WithoutSession { get; init; }

Property Value




Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.

public bool Equals(BulkCopyOptions? other)


other BulkCopyOptions

An object to compare with this object.



true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.


Serves as a hash function for a particular type.

public override int GetHashCode()



A hash code for the current object.