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Enum FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode


Possible modes for Firebird identifier quotes. This enumeration covers only identifier quotation logic and don't handle identifier length limits.

public enum FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode
Extension Methods


Auto = 2

Quote identifiers if needed. LINQ To DB will quote identifiers, if they are not valid without quotation. This includes:

  • use of reserved words;
  • use of any characters except latin letters, digits, _ and $;
  • use digit, _ or $ as first character. This is default mode. Note that if you need to preserve casing of identifiers, you should use Quote mode. Quoted identifiers not supported by SQL Dialect < 3.
None = 0

Do not quote identifiers. LINQ To DB will not check identifiers for validity (spaces, reserved words) is this mode. This mode should be used only for SQL Dialect < 3 and it is developer's responsibility to ensure that there is no identifiers in use that require quotation.

Quote = 1

Always quote identifiers. LINQ To DB will quote all identifiers, even if it is not required. Select this mode, if you need to preserve identifiers casing. Quoted identifiers not supported by SQL Dialect < 3.