Enum NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType
- Namespace
- LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL
- Assembly
- linq2db.dll
public enum NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType
- Extension Methods
Abstime = 33
Array = -2147483648
BigIntMultirange = 536870913
BigIntRange = 1073741825
Bigint = 1
Bit = 25
Boolean = 2
Box = 3
Bytea = 4
Char = 6
Cid = 43
Cidr = 44
Circle = 5
Citext = 51
Npgsql 3.0.?.
Date = 7
DateMultirange = 536870919
DateRange = 1073741831
Double = 8
Geography = 55
Npgsql 4.0.0+.
Geometry = 50
Npgsql 3.1.0+.
Hstore = 37
Inet = 24
Int2Vector = 52
Npgsql 3.1.0+.
Integer = 9
IntegerMultirange = 536870921
IntegerRange = 1073741833
InternalChar = 38
Interval = 30
Json = 35
JsonPath = 57
Jsonb = 36
LQuery = 61
LSeg = 11
LTree = 60
LTxtQuery = 62
Line = 10
MacAddr = 34
MacAddr8 = 54
Npgsql 3.2.7+.
Money = 12
Multirange = 536870912
Name = 32
Numeric = 13
NumericMultirange = 536870925
NumericRange = 1073741837
Oid = 41
Oidvector = 29
Path = 14
PgLsn = 59
Point = 15
Polygon = 16
Range = 1073741824
Real = 17
Refcursor = 23
Regconfig = 56
Npgsql 4.0.3+.
Regtype = 49
Npgsql 3.0.2.
Smallint = 18
Text = 19
Tid = 53
Npgsql 3.1.0+.
Time = 20
[CLSCompliant(false)] TimeTZ = 31
[Obsolete("Marked obsolete to avoid unintentional use")] TimeTz = 31
Added as alias to TimeTZ in npgsql 4.0.0. Don't use it, as it will not work with 3.x.
Timestamp = 21
TimestampMultirange = 536870933
TimestampRange = 1073741845
[CLSCompliant(false)] TimestampTZ = 26
[Obsolete("Marked obsolete to avoid unintentional use")] TimestampTz = 26
Added as alias to TimestampTZ in npgsql 4.0.0. Don't use it, as it will not work with 3.x.
TimestampTzMultirange = 536870938
TimestampTzRange = 1073741850
TsQuery = 46
TsVector = 45
Unknown = 40
Uuid = 27
Varbit = 39
Varchar = 22
Xid = 42
Xid8 = 64
Xml = 28